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My family on TV

Filming in Berlin

My family on TV

2 Min. Yesterday a TV crew from WDR interviewed my family about our world travels – and what we learned from them. The feature will be broadcast in the series ‘Familie ist …?’ on 9 June 2022 at 10:15 p.m. on WDR and is already available in the ARD media library and on YouTube.

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Valuable concept against doubts

Life hack

Valuable concept against doubts

2 Min. When I tackle a new project and doubt or hesitate, which is often, I repeat this phrase: “Not easy, but humanly possible, so doable.” Like here with a desensitization with a tarantula.

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Rüdiger Nehberg – adventurer, madman, hero of humanity

Obituary on the second anniversary of his death

Rüdiger Nehberg – adventurer, madman, hero of humanity

3 Min. You will always remain alive in us. For me, you were and are the hero of my life. You have shown us what a little boy from Bielefeld can achieve in wild capers: A weeklong marathon march with insect meals, crossing the Atlantic in a pedal boat, or simply using an entire jungle as an escape room – always for a great cause, always for others.

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A redefinition of fear

Changing perspectives

A redefinition of fear

2 Min. Everything starts with a thought. Here’s one: Why not rethink ANGST? And how, pray tell? Let’s start by breaking down ANGST, in this case the word, and then put it together with new, empowering terms – so that a new meaning emerges.

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How ‘Radical Acceptance’ helped

Not easy, but useful: Accept what is

How ‘Radical Acceptance’ helped

2 Min. It happened this week – and I’d like to share it. Maybe it’s of value to you. I am only writing this because the person concerned replied: “Pretty good advice, it actually helped me.” (Note: I apply ‘xxx’ for anonymisation reasons)

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Business talk in Hamburg


2 Min. NEW DATE || I am very much looking forward to my keynote INTO THE UNKNOWN at the Leaders Network on 3 November 2022, 19:00 – 22:00. Around the talk there will be a get-together, Q&A session, flying buffet and networking.

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Iceland photo gallery

Iceland extreme: volcanic eruption and ice bathing

Iceland photo gallery

2 Min. Iceland – island of extremes. On the largest volcanic island in the world, we are fascinated by the eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano. And we learn to ice bathe, for minutes! Then a lagoon bath, glacier tour and ice cave visit – an unforgettable short adventure!

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Madeira – 50 Shades of Green

Where you can experience your green miracle

Madeira – 50 Shades of Green

23 Min. The sister islands of Madeira and Porto Santo are each beautiful in their own way and have much to offer nature lovers: fantastically dense laurel forests, countless hiking trails of any difficulty and lush flora.

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