2 Min.My photo of the golden monastery Rangiri Vihara made it to the cover of Terra magazine. The cave temple of Dambulla looks back on a history of about 2000 years.

Sri Lanka
2 Min.My photo of the golden monastery Rangiri Vihara made it to the cover of Terra magazine. The cave temple of Dambulla looks back on a history of about 2000 years.
< 1 Min.Sri Lanka: a small, extremely diverse country with the size of Bavaria. The tropical island delights with paradisiacal beaches, mountains up to 2,500 metres high, historical sanctuaries and an exuberant flora and fauna. I spent 5 months there with my family.
30 Min.Ancient royal cities, endless sandy beaches, luxuriant flowers and exotic animals – the name Sri Lanka justifiably means “shining land”. The island in the Indian Ocean was our dream destination. I spent five months in Sri Lanka with my wife Annette and our daughters Amelie and Smilla.
17 Min.Ancient royal cities, endless sandy beaches, lush blossoms and exotic animals – the name Sri Lanka rightly means “radiant shining land”. The island in the Indian Ocean was our dream destination. I spent five months in Sri Lanka with my wife Annette and our daughters Amelie and Smilla. A family adventure full of intense impressions.
< 1 Min.The Veddas are the indigenous people of Sri Lanka. Only a few still live very originally on the edge of a national park, far away from electricity and running water. For five days I take part in the life of the Veddas.
< 1 Min.Actually, we only wanted to stay in Sri Lanka for 3 months and then move on to India. But the dreamlike little pearl in the Indian Ocean has us firmly in its grip. There is simply too much to see, to do, to experience. Beaches, mountains, temples, exotic animals and plants, three religions and the best food in the world.