Filming in Berlin

My family on TV

13. April 2022
2 Min.
Kategorien: All | Logbook | Speaking
Categories: All | Logbook | Speaking
2 Min. Yesterday a TV crew from WDR interviewed my family about our world travels - and what we learned from them. The feature will be broadcast in the series 'Familie ist ...?' on 9 June 2022 at 10:15 p.m. on WDR and is already available in the ARD media library and on YouTube.

Sorry, only in German

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When a family’s lifelong dreams come true – five months in Sri Lanka

Publication in TERRA Magazine

When a family’s lifelong dreams come true – five months in Sri Lanka

17 Min. Ancient royal cities, endless sandy beaches, lush blossoms and exotic animals – the name Sri Lanka rightly means “radiant shining land”. The island in the Indian Ocean was our dream destination. I spent five months in Sri Lanka with my wife Annette and our daughters Amelie and Smilla. A family adventure full of intense impressions.

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